The web site of derrickpennix

Project 1

Project 2

Project 3

Final Project

Project 3: Steal This Book

The third project completed at Brown University. We were instructed, "beg, borrow, steal. Do not write a single word, do not take a single photograph, do not draw a single line." So, I took this idea and kind of ran with it. I happened to be in the Science Library at the time that I finally came around to work on this project, and there were so many papers and unwanted prints laying around me. So, as I love to say, "One man's trash is another man's treasure."

How It Was Made: A walkthrough of the creation of this project.

What inspired me was the very first thing I found, a foldable sign encouraging visitors to scan the QR code and provide feedback about the Scili. So in a way, the pamplet I am making will be a piece of the Scili, but instead of visiting the Scili, you see the trash left behind for a new experience. I also cut shapes out of the papers to make it even more interesting. My roommate, who was with me during this work's produciton, found this particular project particularly amusing.

And here is my finished product: